Last Summer, I supervised a group of pupils who went to England with an organisation organizing linguistic trips. I stayed in High Wyccombe (pronounce "High Wyccam"), roughly half-way between London and Oxford. That city may be of interest to know because they have two places that are relevant to what we have seen in class:
The Royal Grammar School (the "RG"), which is one of the best two Grammar Schools (for boys) in England, and Hazlemere High School (for girls), which is one of the top 5 schools for girls.
Obviously, they provide students for Oxford University and the University of London...
Interestingly enough, the city also has an independent school, but it is probably the only place where pupils who can afford to go to independent school choose to go to the grammar (or high) school. That independent school was created for the children of the French aristocrat refugees during the Revolution.
"And now for something completely different": this is in no way related to the class, but I stayed with a man who very strongly ressembles John Cleese. John Cleese is one of the Monty Python, the most famous representatives of English Humour (Rowan Atkinson / Mr Bean did his first TV appearance in a show hosted by John Cleese). They made three films, among which "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", a nonsensical version of the Arthurian legend.
One of the phrases that came over and over again in their show "Monty Python's Flying Circus" was "And now for something completely different", which I am using here).
Before the Monty Python existed, Cleese already had his own TV series: Fawlty Towers. I strongly recommend it. Besides, it was shot four hundred yards from where my host family lives...

Monty Python's Flying Circus should be available at the school library.